May 24, 2020

No Other Gods Before Me

Passage: Deuteronomy 5:6-7
Service Type:

No Other Gods Before Me

Deuteronomy 5:6-7

The First Word (Commandment) requires that we know the LORD
and that we make Him (as He truly is) the exclusive object of our undivided worship.


  1. What does the 1st word teach about the LORD?
    1. That He is beautifully simple in His being.
    2. That He is absolutely solitary in His existence.


  1. What does the 1st word require of you?
    1. That you love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
    2. That you pursue a right knowledge of God incessantly and with pure impartiality.
    3. That you worship God exclusively, finding your satisfaction, meaning, comfort, and hope only in Him.
    4. That you worship God simply and sincerely, without any division of soul or distraction of mind or reduction of energy or redirection of passion.


  1. How then is the Law a means of grace to the believer?
    1. It reveals your God to you and leads you into genuine and sublime worship!
    2. It shows you how far you fall short and reminds you of the glorious grace of Christ.
    3. It redirects your soul to the source of all satisfaction.


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