December 2, 2018

The Beauty of Quiet Submission – Part 2

Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-6
Service Type:

The Beauty of Quiet Submission
1 Peter 3:1-6

Believing wives testify to the beauty of the gospel when, because of hope in God, they quietly submit to their husbands even in difficult and disagreeable circumstances.

  1. Why should wives submit? 
    1. Not because of inferiority.
    2. To testify to the gospel.
    3. To please God.
  2. When should wives submit? 
    1. When your husband is disobedient to the Word.
    2. When your husband is obedient to the Word.
    3. When the circumstances are difficult or disagreeable.


  1. How should wives submit? 
    1. By faith in God not in your husband.
    2. By clinging to the hope of God’s promises.


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