Sunday Sermons (Page 15)

No Outline Provided for 8/8/2021
If we do not understand and trust God’s plan for revelation, we will be tempted to embrace practices aimed at burglarizing His secret counsel chambers.
The LORD graciously summons His people to remind them of covenant commitments, to admonish them to covenant faithfulness, and to counsel them with covenant consequences.
Because God designed people for community; His Law, including its blessings and curses, applies to people in community.
Yahweh is the Lord; and He richly blesses His people, who love and obey Him, and curses His enemies, who hate and resist Him
The marks of authentic faith are pointed out in the scriptures primarily to comfort and strengthen the believer. Though they should unsettle the unsaved, they should assure the saints. 
Right worship requires right knowledge and right practice; but because we are prone to forget, we must endeavor to remember rightly.
God’s Law instructs us in the ways of righteousness for all of life, and obedience to His Law protects and preserves healthy community and brings glory to Him.  
To love your neighbor is to love the LORD and to glorify His name, especially when your neighbor is poor or vulnerable because God loved the poor and vulnerable. To…
Nothing can stand in the way of God fulfilling His sovereign purpose to save His people.
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