John truthfully testified to the person and works of Jesus; and though his words were inadequate, yet God’s word is sufficient and sufficiently reveals the power of His cross to…
After Jesus revealed Himself by providing a great catch of fish to His disciples and by feeding them, He graciously restored Peter to the work of feeding His flock and…
On the first day of the week, Jesus, the new and better Adam, came forth from the grave to inaugurate a new and better faith built upon a new and…
Having fully accomplished our atonement and having fulfilled the Scriptures concerning His death, Jesus willingly died and was buried to reopen the way to Paradise.
Jesus’ crucifixion publicly and powerfully proclaimed redemption for all, profoundly fulfilled prophecy, and provided opportunity for Him to practice law-keeping compassion.
Jesus’ serenity amid the hypocrisy and abuse of those savages in power who were pretending to do justice demonstrated His sovereignty and assures us of hope in Him.
Jesus prayed that His Church would be formed by His word, perfected in real unity, and brought safely home to eternal fellowship with Him in His final glory.
Knowing the mission He would give them and the troubles they would face, Jesus prayed for His Apostles, asking the Father to keep them in His name and fit them…
The hour designated for Jesus to redeem His people had finally come; and in this hour eternal life was made sure, and the infinite glory of God was put on…
In order to be fortified for the mission that He’s given us, Jesus teaches that we will need clarity, comfort, humility, and courage.