LEAD PASTOR – Specific oversight of Men’s and Women’s Ministries; Children’s Ministries; Compassion Ministries
Family and Work Life: Pastor Kelly and his wife Tammy were called to Cornerstone in August, 2012. Although Kelly spent many of his formative years in Omaha, he met Tammy in 8th grade after his family moved to Tracy, Minnesota. They quickly became great friends, dating, and then marrying while in college in 1986. Kelly and Tammy have three married adult children with (currently) six grandchildren. (They seem to be coming like popcorn right now.) Their daughter’s family and younger son’s family reside in Kearney while their other son’s family resides in Lincoln.
Although Kelly had early childhood dreams of driving a garbage truck, by junior high he sensed God’s call to pastoral ministry. Kelly is a 1993 graduate (M. Div.) of Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.
On describing Cornerstone: Gospel-driven. Kelly appreciates his leadership team and the grace-giving people of Cornerstone.
His testimony: As a young boy, Pastor Kelly grew up in a gospel preaching church. He was convicted of his sin and saw his need for Christ at an early age. He understood clearly that Jesus had died for him and responded to the message. He quickly saw fruit in his life as the Lord changed his heart. Since then, he has had experiences of walking away but in each situation, the Lord never left him. Through various means, each time God convicted him of his sin and turned him back. Kelly has seen His protective hand on him throughout his life.
Influential books recently read: The Glory of Christ by John Owen, and Gospel Worship by Jeremiah Burroughs
Bible “hero”: Jeremiah – because he had a long ministry with amazing trials and persecution and yet he persisted.
Hobbies: Reading, playing games (word games, cards, and board games), and golfing.