Service Opportunities

There are numerous ministry opportunities to reach others through service.
Contact information can be found in your church directory or click here to send the office a message.

Children’s Ministry

Nursery: Snuggle with babies and play with toddlers while allowing their parents to listen and learn during a Bible Class or Worship Service.  Serve on a monthly basis.

Children’s Church: Children’s Church is a year-round opportunity to serve 3 and 4 year olds during the church service. Teachers and substitutes are always needed to serve the little ones on a rotating basis.

Children: From weekly opportunities like Sunday School or Truth Expedition to monthly opportunities like nursery to special events like VBS, the Children’s Ministry has plenty of places to serve both with kids and behind the scenes!

To serve in any of the above children’s ministry areas, contact Sara Waddel.

Youth Ministry

The youth group would appreciate your help in the following areas: (currently all filled) snacks, small group leaders, or special events. Please keep students and leaders in your prayers and simply reach out to students around you!  Contact Roger Baker or Blaine Drozd.

Compassion Ministry

Meals: Help someone walk through a major life event by providing a meal (home-cooked or otherwise) or a bag of paper products.

Visitation: Show love and compassion to someone in need by serving in visitation. 

To serve in any of the above compassion ministry areas, contact Kara Gehrt.

Worship Ministry

Music: We are always looking for more vocalists and instrumentalists to share their gifts with the body of Christ. Right now we have members that serve once a month and others serve as often as three Sundays a month. You have complete flexibility as you serve in the music ministry.  Contact Adam Jensen.

Multimedia: Do you feel most comfortable serving behind the scenes? Consider helping in the sound booth with sound or slides/video once a month or helping with the website.  Contact Abe Smith.

Communion: This is a monthly service opportunity or we are also looking for substitutes to bake wafers and fill cups and trays. There is minimal clean-up. Contact Mike and Brenda Leigh.

Special Events: Fellowship luncheons, potluck dinners, and other special events require many hands, but many hands make lighter work for everyone and make things much more enjoyable.  We have service opportunities that range from setting up chairs and tables to serving food in the kitchen.  Contact Mike and Brenda Leigh.

Hospitality Ministry

Coffee: Are you able to arrive a little early and stay a little late on a Sunday morning? The coffee crew fills the airpots before Bible classes and cleans them and the coffee maker after Worship Service.  To serve, contact Carol Hoffman.

Greeters: A friendly smile, a warm handshake, and a few kind words are what greeters extend to those who enter our front doors. Greeters rotate on a monthly basis and arrive 15-20 minutes before service begins. Contact Don Johnston.

Usher: A welcoming smile, a short greeting as you hand out a bulletin, and an offer to help in locating a seat is part of the job of an usher. Ushers also assist with offering and communion. To serve as an usher on a monthly or substitute basis, contact Don Johnston.

Facilities Ministry

Facilities: Do you consider yourself handy around your home? Like a home, the church facilities often have small projects that need to be completed. Bi-annual church workdays are another way to serve in this ministry. 

Grounds: When the snow is gone, the grass and weeds are growing and need to be maintained.

To serve in the above facilities ministry areas, contact Randy Gehrt.

Contact information can be found in your church directory or click here to send the office a message.