Gather With Us

Our church building is located on the southwest corner of 11th Street and 30th Avenue.  If you are coming from the north, continue following 2nd Avenue south and turn west on 11th Street or take 30th Avenue south until you see us.  If you are coming from the south, continue following 2nd Avenue north and turn west on 11th Street.  We are across the street from Kearney High School and kitty-corner from the Central Community College Campus.


  • Sunday School classes begin at 8:45 a.m. with nursery available for children under 2 years old.  Sunday School is age graded for children and begins at age 2 years old through high school. We also have adult Sunday School class that typically meets in the sanctuary.
  • Worship Service begins at 10:00 a.m. with nursery available for children under the age of 3. Children’s Church is provided during the sermon for 3 and 4 year olds (watch for the dismissal slide after songs and during the offering).
  • See What to Expect for more details.


  • Truth Expedition is for children 4 years old through 5th grade.  They gather beginning at 7:00 p.m. for a time of song, Bible teaching, activity, and snack.  Their evening is finished at 8:15 p.m..
  • cbcYouth is for 6th grade through 12th grade students.  They meet from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. for worship, fellowship, and Bible teaching.
  • In case of inclement weather, we will cancel Wednesday night activities if Kearney Public cancels school or has an early dismissal due to weather.  We will post cancellations to the website home page and to Facebook.