October 10, 2021

A Summary and Review of Deuteronomy: Key Things We’ve Learned

Passage: Deuteronomy 4:1-2
Service Type:

As we bring a close to our study of Deuteronomy, Kelly wraps up with a review of why we studied Deuteronomy, what Deuteronomy is, and the key reasons we studied Deuteronomy.

God’s Law is first and foremost
a revelation of Himself.
He is the backdrop, the standard that
forms and fills the content of the Law.

There is only one God and Creator of all;
and because He created all in His image,
there is only one Law for all.
This means that there is no other
repository of laws from which we can draw,
as if there were some other authority or
source of good apart from God.

Jesus did not bring a new Law;
He fulfilled The Law and explains it.
This means that He accomplished
our justification and is teaching
us for our sanctification.

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