January 6, 2019

Enlightened Husbands

Passage: 1 Peter 3:7
Service Type:

The husband who understands God’s design for marriage and who embraces his wife’s equality in the gospel will cherish her as a gift and honor her as a co-heir.

  1. An enlightened husband understands God’s design for marriage.
    1. He understands that God designed men and women ________.
    2. He understands God’s design for a __________ relationship.
  2. An enlightened husband embraces his wife’s equality in the gospel.
    1. He embraces their equality of ________.
    2. He embraces their equality of ________.
  3. An enlightened husband will cherish and honor his wife.
    1. He will ________ her as a gift from God.
    2. He will ________ her as a co-heir in Christ.


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