Purified for Love
Purified for Love
1 Peter 1:22-2:3
- Purified from what?
- From your empty life of __________.
- From self-centered, __________ __________.
- Purified how?
- By genuine __________ and __________.
- By continuing to put off your tendency to self-centered, __________ __________.
- Purified for what?
- For a __________ love of fellow believers.
- For a __________ love of fellow believers.
- For a _______-_________ love of fellow-believers.
Our times of reflection* may take many forms but here are a few suggestions:
- Think about one or two things from the message that struck you by reviewing your notes or this outline.
- What did you learn (or re-learn) about who God is, about who you are, about the person and work of Christ, about how God wants to change you?
- Did this message reveal any wrong thinking or any attitudes or behaviors that are not Christlike?
- What steps can you take to put into practice what you’ve heard?
Don’t be afraid to quietly discuss these things with your family or a friend during this time.
* Reflection is defined as “serious thought or consideration”.