The LORD is gracious and kind to His servants even when they need His correction and consolation.
Our deepest desires determine and empower our idols, and they will rule over us if we do not turn away from them.
Understanding the sources of their superstitions and recognizing the force they wielded in shaping their lives will keep us from walking the same course to destruction.
The LORD patiently pleads with His people even when they rebel, but He will bring His just judgments against the rebellious.
We can wear no better identity than that of Christ. Our joy in trials is in the hands of our Father who has put His Fatherhood on display by sending…
Faithlessness produces fear and results in great loss, but faith produces fearlessness and results in great gain.
Because Christ is our perfect King and High Priest, we will live in the presence of the LORD in perfect peace and prosperity without any guilt or shame for all…
The LORD is right in His judgments toward us; but because He is merciful, He executed an everlasting covenant in which He promised eternal good to us and now moves…
The thoughts, words and actions of the believer should be noticeably contrasted to our old nature and the culture of the world because we are a new creation, brought to…
Considering our finitude brings wisdom as we look to our everlasting God for instruction, mercy, satisfaction, and purpose. Respond to your finitude according to a fear of the LORD by...…