December 23, 2018

The Gift of the Spirit

Passage: Acts 2:38-39
Service Type:

If you belong to Christ, you have been given the gift of His Holy Spirit
who applies to you all the benefits of the gospel.


  1. What is the gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. It is the ________ of the new covenant.


  1. It is the ________ Jesus promised.


  1. To whom is this gift given?
    1. To those who belong to Christ, that is, to all whom God _______.


  1. To those who belong to Christ, that is, to all who ________.


  1. To those who belong to Christ, that is, to ALL ________.


  1. How does the Holy Spirit apply the benefits of the Gospel to you?
    1. He ________ you.
    2. He ________ you.
    3. He ________ you.
    4. He ________ you.

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