July 19, 2020

You Shall Not Murder

Passage: Deuteronomy 5:17
Service Type:


The 6th Word teaches that God is love and perfectly loving,
and it requires that we do not hate anyone but love everyone from the heart.


  1. What does this Word require, and what does it teach about God?

Proscriptions (prohibitions/do not’s)

    1. That you do not __________ take anyone’s life, including your own.

What this teaches about God: 


    1. That you do not __________ hurt or harm anyone, including yourself, or even consider or contemplate such.

What this teaches about God:


    1. That you do not __________ passions and practices that you reasonably know to endanger your life or others’.

What this teaches about God: 


    1. That you do not become angry, __________, or frustrated with anyone including yourself.

What this teaches about God: 


    1. That you do not belittle, insult, or treat anyone with __________.

What this teaches about God: 


    1. That you do not act __________ with foolish neglect or indifference even in respect to yourself. 

What this teaches about God: 


    1. That you do not __________ withdraw or separate yourself from anyone.

What this teaches about God: 


Prescriptions (duties/do’s)

  1. That you defend, protect, and support the __________ as much as you can.

What this teaches about God: 


  1. That you __________ any who have wronged you or others.

What this teaches about God: 


  1. That you do all you can to make _______ and pursue it with others.

What this teaches about God: 


  1. That you show ________, both in word and deed, to others, even your enemies. 

What this teaches about God: 


  1. That you love everyone, even your ______ and even to the point of laying down your own life for them.

What this teaches about God: 


  1. How can you uphold this Word now? 
    1. By looking ____ not _____.


    1. By giving the _______ you have received.


    1. By __________ upon the Holy Spirit.


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