You Shall Not Murder
The 6th Word teaches that God is love and perfectly loving,
and it requires that we do not hate anyone but love everyone from the heart.
- What does this Word require, and what does it teach about God?
Proscriptions (prohibitions/do not’s)
- That you do not __________ take anyone’s life, including your own.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not __________ hurt or harm anyone, including yourself, or even consider or contemplate such.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not __________ passions and practices that you reasonably know to endanger your life or others’.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not become angry, __________, or frustrated with anyone including yourself.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not belittle, insult, or treat anyone with __________.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not act __________ with foolish neglect or indifference even in respect to yourself.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do not __________ withdraw or separate yourself from anyone.
What this teaches about God:
Prescriptions (duties/do’s)
- That you defend, protect, and support the __________ as much as you can.
What this teaches about God:
- That you __________ any who have wronged you or others.
What this teaches about God:
- That you do all you can to make _______ and pursue it with others.
What this teaches about God:
- That you show ________, both in word and deed, to others, even your enemies.
What this teaches about God:
- That you love everyone, even your ______ and even to the point of laying down your own life for them.
What this teaches about God:
- How can you uphold this Word now?
- By looking ____ not _____.
- By giving the _______ you have received.
- By __________ upon the Holy Spirit.