On the first day of the week, Jesus, the new and better Adam, came forth from the grave to inaugurate a new and better faith built upon a new and…
The Gospel plus Life 1. Beware of Gospel plus Promoters 2. Avoid Gospel plus Pitfalls a. Gospel plus __________ b. Gospel plus __________ c. Gospel plus __________ 3. Live a…
Though the work of Christ is complete, we are still facing an unfinished task that will require faithfulness to the mission, firmness in grace, and love for one another.
Main Idea: “Walking in the light is fundamentally inseparable from authentic fellowship with God and His Church”
1 John 1:1-4 I. What we should know: __________ ____________ II. What we should do A. _____________ with Jesus Christ B. ___________ Jesus Christ III. What we should expect A.…
Hope and joy are experienced most when you allow the gospel to be your motivation for living out the purposes of your new identity. Gospel identity: We are a…
Our Precious Cornerstone 1 Peter 2:4-8 Jesus, whom the world rejects, is God’s chosen and precious cornerstone for His Church, and the secure hope of all who believe. …
The Glory of the Gospel 1 Peter 2:1-3 The gospel generates lasting life. The children of men __________. The children of God live __________. The gospel radiates unfading…
God has chosen the church to be His instrument for declaring and displaying the power of His saving work to the world.