God has given elders a measure of authority within the church for its good, and He expects its members to submit to their leadership in humility.
The Beauty of Quiet Submission 1 Peter 3:1-6 Believing wives testify to the beauty of the gospel when, because of hope in God, they quietly submit to their husbands even…
Believing wives testify to the beauty of the gospel when, because of hope in God, they quietly submit to their husbands even in difficult and disagreeable circumstances. What is submission?…
Believers are called to display the character of Christ by submitting to those in authority even when it is painful to do so. 1. Servants and masters. a. Who were…
Glad Submission 1 Peter 2:13-17 Believers should gladly submit themselves to all human authorities knowing that this pleases the Lord and removes obstacles to evangelism. To whom…