Recent Audio (Page 13)


Main Idea: The full assurance of faith, the full assurance of understanding and the full assurance of hope rest entirely in the eternal decree of God as revealed in His…
The word of God should be communicated with confidence and authority, denying neutrality and overcoming diffidence.
Three truths about the grace of God motivate us to live as a new people I. Live as a new people because the grace of God has appeared. (11) II.…
Sound doctrine in the lives of women is displayed by their example of personal holiness, their domestic orientation, and their properly ordered households.
All Christian men are called to live their lives in a manner that is fitting for sound doctrine.
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Glorification is the final step in the application of redemption. It will happen when Christ returns and raises from the dead the bodies of all believers for all time who…
Sanctification: We believe that every believer has been set apart with a perfect standing before God. As believers yield themselves to the Holy Spirit, they will experience spiritual growth in…
Definition: Justification is our declared righteousness before God, made possible by Christ’s death and resurrection for us. Occurs at the time of regeneration, through the instrument of faith, as a…
Regeneration is the sovereign work of God whereby the Holy Spirit changes our hearts (nature), and inclines us to repent and believe. In regeneration, God makes us new and applies…
Corporate Witness: The effects and implications of the gospel on display in the life of God’s people collectively. Main Idea: Jesus calls the church to a corporate life of love,…
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