LAY ELDER – Oversees finances
Family and Work Life: Married since 1987, Mike and Brenda Leigh have two adult daughters, one son, two sons-in-law, and three grandchildren. We are blessed to have such a faithful and steady elder as Mike is Mr. Consistent: he’s only had two jobs since college. He worked for 15 years with the Nebraska Department of Roads; and since 2000 he has worked as a Project Manager for Brown Church Development Group.
On describing Cornerstone: Gospel-centered. Mike appreciates the priority on the Word of God. He appreciates the relationships that he has, knowing that the people he knows care enough to hold him accountable in his walk with the Lord.
His testimony: Mike was blessed to have grown up in a home where his parents’ faith was real and lived out; church was an important part of their lives. At age 10, he realized his personal need to respond as an individual to who he was and to what Christ did for him. The Lord has continued to be gracious and merciful throughout the years as Mike has an increased appreciation and love for His faithfulness.
Bible “hero”: Daniel – because he lived for the Lord despite his surrounding culture.
Hobbies: Target practice; watching a movie while eating chips and dip.