STAFF – Administrative Assistant
Family and Work Life: Kara Gehrt has served on-staff as our part-time administrative assistant since 2012. As a former art teacher and florist, we are blessed by her artistic and creative talents.
Kara and husband Randy met through mutual friends at Christian Student Fellowship at UNK and were married in 2004. Their family continues to grow and to be dominated by girls, girls, girls!
On describing Cornerstone: “My Community.” Kara appreciates how this church body walks the road of life beside them, encouraging and supporting them as parents and husband/wife and affirming their girls in line with the gospel message.
Her testimony: Kara’s faith in Christ became her own in junior high and high school. Although she doesn’t feel like her story is anything fancy, she knows that beauty is in the eyes of the Maker of her faith. God continues to mold and shape her into who He wants her to be. As an artist, she loves the picture of being clay in His hands. Kara desires to continue to be soft and moldable as she continues to learn how to reach others with the truth of the gospel.
Influential books recently read: 9Marks Series
Bible “hero”: Noah – because of his obedience to God in the face of opposition and mockery. Although the rainbow is a reminder that God will never flood the earth again, Kara sees it also as a reminder that He will bring us through the storms of life and that He has everything under control, according to His plan.
Hobbies: Scrapbooking and crafts; researching family history.