Sunday Sermons (Page 2)

The truth of the gospel should motivate us to be reconciled with one another, even if it comes at a great personal cost.    Reconciliation:   The restoration of fellowship…
God has called us out from the world to be His holy people and this requires us to be sexually pure by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Christian instruction must be given and received in keeping with its authority and must be aimed at transformation.
Considering the theology, substance, and reason for Paul’s prayer teaches us of the nature of God, the need of the Church, and the return of Jesus.
Paul was deeply devoted to the Thessalonians and was greatly encouraged to hear of their perseverance and was eager to see them grow in their faith.
God has destined us for tribulation; and though His design is our good, Satan’s desire is our destruction.
Walking out your calling as a Christian means living all of your life gladly in the name of Jesus.

Good News of Great Joy

December 24, 2023
The fountainhead of our joy and peace is the good news that God sent His Son into the world to save poor sinners by reconciling us to Himself.

Paul’s Evangelical Mission

December 17, 2023
Paul had been given an evangelical mission aimed at an eschatological goal that prompted a pastoral concern.

An Advent Meditation

December 10, 2023
The incarnation of Christ was a rescue operation in which God Himself provided the means for our redemption and forgiveness, resulting in our reconciliation and peace with God.