Sunday Bible Class (Page 27)

Opening Discussion A) What is the connection between everyday relationships and the work of God? B) What are the present benefits of the work of Christ in your everyday life?…

01/06/19 Sunday School

January 6, 2019
This Sunday is a dedicated time for prayer. Next week will start a new Sunday School series, "Your Walk with God Is a Community Project."
Question 52 What hope does everlasting life hold for us? It reminds us that this present fallen world is not all there is; soon we will live with and enjoy God…
Question 51 Of what advantage to us is Christ’s ascension? Christ physically ascended on our behalf, just as he came down to earth physically on our account, and he is…

New City Catechism Q50

December 16, 2018
Question 50 What does Christ’s resurrection mean for us? Christ triumphed over sin and death by being physically resurrected, so that all who trust in him are raised to new life…
Question 49 Where is Christ now? Christ rose bodily from the grave on the third day after his death and is seated at the right hand of the Father, ruling…
Question 48 What is the church? God chooses and preserves for himself a community elected for eternal life and united by faith, who love, follow, learn from, and worship God…
Question 47 Does the Lord’s Supper add anything to Christ’s atoning work? No, Christ died once for all. The Lord’s Supper is a covenant meal celebrating Christ’s atoning work; as it…
Question 46 What is the Lord’s Supper? Christ commanded all Christians to eat bread and to drink from the cup in thankful remembrance of him and his death. The Lord’s…
Question 45 Is baptism with water the washing away of sin itself? No, only the blood of Christ and the renewal of the Holy Spirit can cleanse us from sin.
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