Sunday Sermons (Page 26)

A Pattern of Lament

December 1, 2019
God has given us a pattern of lament for our comfort and assurance when trials come and especially when they persist.
A culture of discipleship exists when it’s normal for Christians to be sound in the faith, living as godly examples, and deliberately using their lives and relationships to help each…

Gospel(plus) Ministry

November 17, 2019
Gospel ministries present obstacles for the unbeliever, so we must resist the belief that we can remove those obstacles with a Gospelplus ministry.
The supernatural bond of a gospel community results in shared responsibilities to work toward reconciliation with and for one another.
Gospel community is marked by a genuine participation in our faith, which is made effective as we acknowledge every good thing we have in Christ, and is displayed through reconciliation…

Gospel (Plus) Community

October 27, 2019
We are at risk of contenting ourselves with Gospel(plus) Community in which our relationships are forged and maintained by natural connections and not by supernatural realities.

The Gospel (Plus) Life

October 20, 2019
The Gospel plus Life 1. Beware of Gospel plus Promoters 2. Avoid Gospel plus Pitfalls a. Gospel plus __________ b. Gospel plus __________ c. Gospel plus __________ 3. Live a…

The New Birth

October 13, 2019
The Necessity of New Birth The Mystery of the New Birth The Eyes of the New Birth or The Eyes of Faith No PPT today
Though the work of Christ is complete, we are still facing an unfinished task that will require faithfulness to the mission, firmness in grace, and love for one another.  
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