Sunday Sermons (Page 3)

Love for one another will lead us to speak truth to each other according to the need of the moment.
God gave His Son to reconcile us to Himself, thus making peace; and He has given us the ministry of reconciliation, commanding us to make peacemaking a priority.
The Lord has given you leaders for your good; and for your good, you are to acknowledge them and hold them in highest regard, always pursuing peace in the church.
We are in a battle for souls, and we are called to engage the fight through personal preparation and by purposeful cooperation.
Jesus’ resurrection testifies to His person, work, and authority; and this is our only sure anchor in the storms of life and death.
There are only two kinds of people in this world; and their natures, their destinies, and their ways of life are radically different.
Our souls are grieved by many things, especially the loss of loved ones; and true comfort is held out to us in the hope of the gospel, but we must…
When believing loved ones die, true and lasting comfort is found in the hope of the gospel, and we should be eager to give and receive this comfort.
We have been taught by God to love one another and to care for each other’s needs, but idleness takes advantage of this love and does harm to Christian witness. 

Sufficiency of the Word

February 25, 2024