Sunday Sermons (Page 23)

Jesus Christ finished His work of redemption obtaining for His people a sure but future rest that may be tasted now every day by faith but especially remembered on the…
The 4 th Word teaches us that the LORD is perfectly satisfied and at rest in Himself and that rest for our souls can only be found when we are…
The 3rd Word shows us that God is true to Himself and acts with perfect purpose and result, and that we ought to be true to Him and careful in…
The Beauty, Gravity, and Unity of the Gathered Church Psalm 84:1-4; Hebrews 10:23-25 and others 1. The beauty of the gathering. 2. The gravity of the gathering. 3. The unity…
What does the 2nd Word teach about the LORD? That He is immaterial (He is pure spirit).   That He is indescribable.   That He is limitless.    How do…
No Other Gods Before Me Deuteronomy 5:6-7 The First Word (Commandment) requires that we know the LORD and that we make Him (as He truly is) the exclusive object of…
Why Should You Learn the Law in a Pandemic? Deuteronomy 5 (and more) Because the Law reveals God to us. It reveals His nature. It reveals His character.   Because…
  To whom was this Law given? To all Israel   To us   What was this Law? The Ten Words (Commandments)   All of their implications and applications  …

Stand Firm!!

May 3, 2020
Our citizenship in Christ’s kingdom compels us to stand firm in the Lord and live in harmony with the gospel. • Through Unity (vs 2-3) • Through Rejoicing in The…
The greater things the Lord did for His people then looked forward to the better things He would do for His people now.   What were the greater things then?…
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