Sunday Sermons (Page 25)

Deep Sorrows Call To Deep Mercy Psalm 42 Deep sorrows reveal our deep need Our deep need calls to His deep grace Deep pain can produce deep praise Deep sorrows…

All parties of a covenant union are bound to one another in loving relationship and have responsibilities and duties to one another in love.
Like Israel, the Church is a people formed by God’s grace, bound to Him and to each other by covenant, and already blessed with all we need.

Inauguration Day

January 5, 2020
Jesus' baptism was His inauguration as the Prophet, Priest, and King in which He was anointed by the Spirit to restore the kingdom.
Services Cancelled due to snow.

O Holy Child

December 22, 2019
In the story of Jesus’ birth, we see the Holy Spirit executing the plan of God; ensuring, through a holy conception, the salvation of God’s people.
God has anointed Jesus Christ as the King of kings and Ruler of all; true blessing will only come if you receive the King!
No Notes for today. The Annual Kids Christmas Program was today. The attached video was the closing to the program.
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