Sunday Bible Class (Page 5)

continued discussion from last week. same handout.
An overview of the system: Amillennialists believe that the “millennium” is the interadvental age during which Christ reigns from heaven with His saints who have died. Though this reign is…
An overview of the system: There are many variations within postmillennialism which make it difficult to engage with it as a system (e.g., historic/preterist/future millennium/present millennium/Golden Age, etc.). The following…
An overview of the system: Historic premillennialism has a long history and was a common viewpoint of the early church until Augustine (354-430). Current proponents: Al Mohler, D.A. Carson, Wayne…
An overview of the system: Five dispensations leading up to and including Christ’s 1st Advent: Age of Innocence, Age of Conscience, Age of Government, Age of Promise, Age of Law…