Sunday Sermons (Page 22)

Death as a Mercy

September 6, 2020
No Sermon notes were provided
Prideful self-interest leads to the enslavement of covetousness and never being content, but cultivating Christ-like humility leads to contentment and the sweet freedom of gladly forgetting about ourselves.

The Cure For Covetousness

August 23, 2020
Because covetousness is desiring something so much that we lose our contentment in God, our only hope for curing covetousness and all of its manifestations is to cherish Jesus Christ…
The 10th Word teaches that the LORD is perfectly pure in His thoughts, desires, and intentions; and it requires that do not desire anything that has not been given to…
The 9th Word teaches that the LORD is perfectly truthful in all that He says; and, it requires that we not lie but love and defend the truth, especially in…
  The 8th Word teaches that the LORD is a faithful provider and lavish in giving; and, it requires that we do not steal but be good stewards and be…
The 7th Word teaches that the LORD is faithful to His covenant bride; and, whether we are married or single, it requires that we honor and be faithful to marriage…
  The 6th Word teaches that God is love and perfectly loving, and it requires that we do not hate anyone but love everyone from the heart.   What does…
1. Why is parental honor so important? a. It is the training ground for honoring _____. b. It is the training ground for honoring _________. c. It is the foundation…

Freedom in Christ

July 5, 2020
Because we are saved by grace, through faith, the believer must stand firm in freedom by turning away from every form of legalism, by resting in the sufficiency of Christ,…
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